Fifty-nine percent of Americans say they enjoy hosting guests during the holidays, but that doesn’t mean they’re 100% happy to do it. In fact, 32% almost never feel prepared to have people over, which can create an overwhelming amount of stress.

It’s essential to look after your mental health, especially since winter blues are a very real thing. So be proactive and learn about how to reduce holiday stress before you start planning.

To help you out, here are some holiday stress tips that can help lower your anxiety levels.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a way to ground yourself and be present. It’s a form of meditation that’s calming and will help you appreciate what you do have.

On that note, don’t be afraid to celebrate imperfections. You can help further this mindset by setting realistic expectations. If you’re not stressing out about making everything picture-perfect, then it’ll be easier to focus on the joy of being together with your loved ones.

Delegate Tasks

Just because you’re hosting doesn’t necessarily mean you have to handle everything on your own. Your friends and family are probably more than willing to help out, so all you have to do is ask.

This can actually end up being a fun bonding experience. When everyone’s involved in the holiday preparations, the results will be more special too.

Learn to Say No

You’re not obligated to do every task or attend every event. You might feel bad declining invites and requests, but ultimately, you’re taking care of yourself when you do so.

With fewer things on your plate, you’ll be able to hone in on what’s important. Not only will this reduce your stress, but it’ll also facilitate better results.

Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is something you should be regularly practicing already, but if it’s something new, then it’s fantastic for dealing with holiday stress.

Be sure to carve time out to focus on yourself so you can rest and recharge. While it’ll take up time in your busy schedule, don’t worry. You’ll be able to tackle things more efficiently if you’re feeling your best.

Get an Outstanding Home Insurance Policy

You might have a terrific home, but you never know if something will damage it. Don’t leave things up to chance, and get a decent home insurance policy.

When you have excellent coverage, that’ll be a huge load off your shoulders. No matter what happens, you can count on your insurer to be there for you.

Keep These Holiday Stress Tips in Mind

If you remember these holiday stress tips, then it’ll be easier to make your holiday plans. Don’t forget to work with a great insurance agency too, as you’ll have more peace of mind.

While it’s nice to have your home look amazing and to have expensive presents under the tree, the most important thing is to spend quality time with your loved ones.

To further reduce your stress, request an insurance quote from Tom Needham Insurance Agency today. We’ll provide you with the best coverage, and at the lowest possible rates too.

Learn more about Tom Needham Insurance Agency at