When you’re busy hosting family and friends this holiday season, the last thing you want to worry about is a house fire. But with so much going on, it’s easy for a scary scenario to develop. Fortunately, with the right strategies and tools, like a water fire extinguisher, you can stay safe.

Read on to learn how you can prevent house fires this holiday season!

Keep Your Christmas Tree Watered

One of the central features of the holiday season also can be one of the leading fire causes. Christmas trees, though beautiful and festive, can pose a threat to your home if they get too dry.

To avoid a Christmas tree fire, be sure to water your tree each day. You’ll want to aim for roughly a gallon of water. And it’s particularly important to keep your tree hydrated in the first week.

Additionally, you’ll want to keep trees and other decorations at least three feet from heat sources. When possible, place your tree away from a heat vent to reduce the fire risk and keep your home safe.

Understand the Guidelines for Your Lights

Adding lights to your Christmas tree or wreaths can be a festive way to enhance your indoor spaces. But you’ll want to be mindful of the printed guidelines for your sets of lights. For example, you don’t want to overload extension cords or use lights with more than five volts per bulb.

If connecting different brands of lights, err on the side of caution. Don’t connect too many strings of lights. And be sure to use only those extension cords with overcurrent protection.

Monitor Your Fireplace and Candles

Fireplaces are cozy places to gather with your family during a holiday vacation. But left untended, they can become dangerous. Similarly, candles need to be monitored closely.

With candles, track how many you light at one time, and keep them in one room. That way, you won’t forget to extinguish any. Make sure all candles are in sturdy holders that are out of reach of children.

With fireplaces, know who is managing the fire. Even if you’re feeling ready for bed, don’t leave the room until the last embers are gone.

Get a Fire Extinguisher

Lastly, you’ll want to take some preventative fire safety measures in your home. This means buying a fire extinguisher to have ready in case of a house fire.

Fire extinguishers will spray at burning objects to help prevent them from reigniting. It’s important to keep fire extinguishers in accessible parts of your home. Have one in your kitchen, master bedroom, and garage so you can be prepared to take action.

Prevent House Fires

With the right strategies and equipment, you can help prevent a house fire this holiday season. This includes getting a fire extinguisher and limiting your use of lights. It also means monitoring your candles and keeping your tree hydrated.

Protecting your home should be one of your top priorities. At Tom Needham Insurance Agency, we help our customers find the best insurance policies for their needs. Contact us today!

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